Thursday, December 29, 2011

If Anna is secular, why are Muslims not included in his group ?

Emphasising that corruption cannot be removed only by making laws, the Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid, Syed Ahmed Bukhari, on Monday said social activist Anna Hazare must detach himself from the political power working behind him.
"Anna Hazare must detach from the political power working behind him. He praised Narendra Modi sometimes back who is accused of massacre in Gujarat," Bukhari told mediapersons here.
Bukhari further asked if the 74-year-old social activist is secular, then why has he not included any Muslims in his group.
"If Anna Hazare is secular then why he has not included any Muslim in his committee members," said Bukhari, while criticizing the anti-corruption crusader.
Asserting that Islam is against slogans like Vande Matram and Bharat Mata ki Jai, Bukhari said: "You cannot pray a nation in Islam. If few Muslims are participating in Hazare demonstration this does not represent the 25 crore Muslims in this country."
Bukhari also recalled that not too long ago, Hazare had praised Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the man accused of massacring Muslims in his state in 2002.
He also said that the few Muslims participating in Hazare's agitation against the government did not mean that they were representatives of the 25 crore Muslims in India.
Bukhari further said communalism should be a priority because it is a bigger threat to the nation and not corruption.
"There is no mention of communalism, which is a bigger threat. Communalism should be a priority and corruption comes second in this list," he said.

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